At the tail end of my forties, I had finally felt settled into my groove here in Denver Colorado. Recently remarried and with business growing, I felt ready to pursue a passion that I passed up many years ago. I had always wanted to learn the cello, from when I was a teen. During a recent trip to France to visit family, we talked about that missed opportunity and the prospect of learning an instrument later in life.
When I returned from France, I was inspired and on a mission! I found a great teacher, a beautiful cello and went to learning with total dedication. My lifelong dream started coming true and I enjoyed meeting other students with the same musical passions.
That is how I met lovely Alex, a soon to be sixteen year old who had been playing the cello for years. She was just marvelous to watch and listen to. Her mom and I discussed a portrait session at the studio and along with my team of stylists and videographers, we got to capture a magnificent portrait sitting. Listening to Alex play her cello, while being photographed was an added bonus!
“Before” picture of Alexandra